
Kind of a weird fairy tale

Kind of a weird fairy tale

(This story is generated by artificial intelligence using OpenAI's solution). Once upon a time, in an eternal forest, lived two friends - the strong, armored Owl and onions. Yes, you read it right... O-n-i-o-n-s! A bit of an odd bunch, isn't it? But that's what makes...

Opinion Festival 2023

Opinion Festival 2023

11th August 2023 was a day of great honor for me as I participated in the Opinion Festival in Paide alongside Jakob Rosin, Johanna Jõekalda, Hendra Raud, and Karl Martin Kutser. The topic of the discussion was 'No Disabilities in the Metaverse' Below you can read the...

Trip to Japan (Part II)

Trip to Japan (Part II)

Underground life As mentioned in the previous part, we stayed in Osaka for six days. Besides visiting various cool places, one memorable experience was funny adventures we had navigating the intricate maze of the subway system. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say...

Trip to Japan (Part I)

Trip to Japan (Part I)

Dreams and Childhood Japan has always intrigued me in a unique way. During the Soviet era in the 80s, when I turned 15 and received a cassette tape recorder from my parents (produced somewhere in the Soviet Union), I needed blank audio cassettes. Such items were...

The chat named “Vanalinn”

The chat named “Vanalinn”

The year was 1996, when Kaido Kikkas and some other good friends from the Rehabilitation Technology Laboratory of Tallinn University of Technology entrusted me with the administration of a telnet-based talker. The name of the talker was (is) “Vanalinn” (“The Old Town” in Estonian) and it was one of the most popular telnet talkers at that time. This place was also known as a place with a good aura, because we did not tolerate cursing and spamming.

Ankara 2021

Ankara 2021

The family trip to Turkey started with the fact that I had previously participated in international projects on education, employment and culture for people with special needs. I had also given presentations in Tallinn, London and Ankara. As I am trying to be a good...

Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Our wedding day April 29th, 2016 Photos / video by Aare Hindremäe